Welcome to the Website of
Prof. Greta R. Patzke

We cover a wide range of preparative and analytical techniques for the characterization and targeted design of functional molecular and heterogeneous materials. Two threads connect them: First, they all serve to address current environmental and health challenges. Second, we mainly focus on the study of low-cost 3d transition metals when designing active centers of our materials.





We cover a wide range of preparative and analytical techniques for the characterization and targeted design of functional molecular and heterogeneous materials.

Two threads connect them: First, they all serve to address current environmental and health challenges. Second, we mainly focus on the study of low-cost 3d transition metals when designing active centers of our materials.



We cover a wide range of preparative and analytical techniques for the characterization and targeted design of functional molecular and heterogeneous materials.

Two threads connect them: First, they all serve to address current environmental and health challenges. Second, we mainly focus on the study of low-cost 3d transition metals when designing active centers of our materials.


Photo: WSS / Oliver Lang
Prof. Dr. Greta R. Patzke

Greta R. Patzke received her doctoral degree summa cum laude from the University of Hannover on crystal growth methods via chemical transport reactions. She received the Venia Legendi for Inorganic Chemistry from ETH Zürich in 2006. Greta R. Patzke joined the Department of Chemistry at UZH in 2007 and is now a Full Professor since 2016. Her main research focus is functional materials for environmental and energy applications, with special emphasis on the design and understanding of water splitting catalysts.

Get in touch

University of Zurich
Department of Chemistry
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich

Prof. Dr. Greta R. Patzke

+41 44 63 546 93

Assistant: Ramona Erni

+41 44 635 46 80
