Giann Wiprächtiger


PhD Student
University of Zurich
Department of Chemistry B
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich

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Phone (Office): +41 44 63 54 698


Ph.D. - Chemistry
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2019 - now)

M.Sc. - Chemistry 
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2018-2019)

B.Sc. - Chemistry
University of Zurich, Switzerland (2014 – 2018)

Current Research Field

Development of nanocomposites of polyoxometalates and chitosan based-polymers as tunable anticancer agents



  •  Güttinger, Robin, et al. "Co/Ni-polyoxotungstate photocatalysts as precursor materials for electrocatalytic water oxidation." RSC Advances 11.19 (2021): 11425-11436.